Comments on: Three good reasons to throw away the guitar pick Learn Guitar Chords with our iPhone App Thu, 03 Feb 2022 04:34:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gillian Turner Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:15:59 +0000 In reply to Jon Lockett.

Hi, have you tried a Black Mountain thumb pick? Check it out on you tube, or their website. Having learnt on an acoustic and played using my fingers, I’ve changed to an electric and realised I need to try and get to grips with a pick, but I struggle! The BM pick is wearable and easier to get the hang of. Currently they only have the one size which is quite thick at 1.5mms, but I contacted them by email to see if they plan to make other sizes and they said they will be bringing out a 0.80mm very shortly. Best of luck!

By: Matthew Knight Thu, 22 Oct 2020 23:08:00 +0000 In reply to Jon Lockett.

Jon, You likely have tendonitis from intense repetitive playing I’m guessing for speed/shredding metal rhythm etc, you are flexing you fingers holding the pick quite tightly and a lot of alternate rapid motion at your wrist and forearm. I suggest seeing a sports med doctor and then probably a physical therapist to rehab your right arm. This is the set up for this kind of pain syndrome. It also occurs with pianists who play aggressively flexing at the forearm and holding the hand rigid to play repetitive octaves in sculpt passages.

The fingerstyle playing is likely going to be less chronically injurious. You will likely have to rethink how you play though. Few guitarists are as fast finger style for single note line playing as those who use a pick. The above article is an excellent reference.

Most importantly REST your right hand for a bit. That does not mean do not play at all, but maybe about 2 weeks of not playing while you are waiting to see the doctor would be of benefit in the long run and may answer some questions.

I am not a sports med doctor but I am a retired pediatrician and I saw some patients with similar complaints due to similar patters of use. I also play guitar and keys. I would strongly urge aggressive NONSURGICAL treatment. Surgery for these problems has very mixed results and may make it worse. (review Keith Emerson’s story about his right hand/arm)

I hope this helps.

Matthew Knight

By: Jon Lockett Sat, 15 Aug 2020 08:31:29 +0000 Yes,I need advice.I have played metal guitar since 1997 with picks but in the last 18 months to 2 years have struggled with them.I seem to have possible arthritis in my right elbow and just cannot hold a pick firmly between thumb and index with proper control aymore.Maybe theres a damaged nerve or tendon or something.I am trying to re teach myself to play fingers only but to play power metal like that will be such a challenge.I wonder if my right arm problem is fixable.But here in Switzerland where I ex pated to to go see a doctor is a ridiculous cost financially.But from a brief check on google it seems there ARE some metal guitarists out there who are pickless….then theres the possibility of using a wearable pick.Is this better on thumb or on index finger.Please email me if you can suggest anything.

By: Nethan Paul Fri, 26 Apr 2019 15:31:22 +0000 Very nice article shared by you. I am just the beginner and don’t have much experience. I love to play guitar. So I was searching for tips to learn guitar playing. I am using guitar pick, but I didn’t know the reasons to avoid this. Well I have recently used coated strings and guitar saddle screws. I think I should try to use finger. I am little afraid about the injuries. Thanks for sharing the article.

By: Al Stevens Tue, 26 Jan 2016 18:09:28 +0000 Another example for not using a pick, and for me the most applicable, can be found in the solo performances of Joe Pass. No discussion of this subject should ignore him. His work is found in abundance on youtube. His ability to play a bass line with his thumb while playing a full improvisation with his fingers is unsurpassed.Check out his online lessons too, which assume you already know how to play guitar and the basics of music theory and which provide a glimpse into his dry sense of humor as well.

By: Ramzo Fri, 15 Jan 2016 17:12:13 +0000 Its true fingers can add lots of subtle harmonics and expand techniques you can use for your playing and there are truly quite some great examples like , KNophler, Beck, Wes but for me biggest genius on acoustic is late Paco de Lucia, his style was perfect for fingerstyle techniques and he was absolute master and he managed to play rhytms and solos at the same time at highest speed. TO play only with fingers is useful for more acoustic music but also for electric guitar music, though in later case for more soft styles like acoustic rock, jazz, folk rock pop rock and similar styles. For faster and more intense styles of rock, use of plectrum is still must, but still there are some parts where fingers could be used to add some spice to music ( like tapping for fast leads in hard rock and metal, rock ballads and for parts of songs where you calm down and just fingerpick and similar instances… Its also conected what nature you have, for instance JImi Hendrix used mostly pick but his sounds and all infinite harmonies is still unmatchable…. IN time of Hnedrix there was still no hard rock and metal sounds and styles but as guitar player Hendrix had same intensity as hard rock and metal players and imagination of jazz players– his amazing music expansion is “guilty” for his genius ! Also Jimmy Page used fingers for some aoustic parts, yet intensity of Led Zep music was too much too use just fingers, he would probably bleed daily ;) …Also myself , like to play more intense styles with combination of soft quiet parts..I am very happy with guitar picks for hard rock fast riffs and leads I mostly play, but I remain open and whenever is chance to add fingerstyle technique into song I use it, it add more spice and expand possibilities in music. Pick, fingers and guitar strings have to become one, then pick use is very rewarding and pick sound very natural ! But in case of some exreme metal styles like metal core etc there is too much noise and pick is just some tool its not merged with hands and guitar, so all we hear is horrible artifiicial noise…
So for few guitarists with special fingers and softer styles fingerstyle playin is cool sounding and Knophler wouldnt sound same with pick…and for others like myself pick is a must and joy to use, but sometimes use fingerstyle to add some spices into music, and those who play strictly only with pick might expand a little, cause intense parts have more value if there are also quiet and soft parts played with fingers !
Cheers :-)
