Comments on: 10 Guitars You Need to Know #2: Les Paul Learn Guitar Chords with our iPhone App Fri, 22 Oct 2021 07:52:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eckart Burgwedel Fri, 22 Oct 2021 07:52:03 +0000 In reply to Some Guy.

Hey Some Guys, thanks for the critique! We’ve removed the typos, improved interpunction, and all other formal mistakes we could find.

By: Some Guy Tue, 07 Sep 2021 11:26:04 +0000 This reads like a middle school book report, by a student who didn’t read the book. It’s clearly not written by someone with any depth of knowledge related to Les Paul guitars. His (occasional) use of first person is unusual in a post of this nature, leading to confusion about what the topic even is. Is it about Les Pauls or is it about which guitar you wanted to buy at a guitar store?

However, the real crime here is the obvious lack of care in writing and editing, evidenced by numerous spelling errors that ruin any credibility the author might have. There’s simply no excuse for publishing an article with so many errors, that could so easily be fixed by reading your own work.

At best spelling errors make the reader stop reading, go back and try to figure out what you mean. At worst, a spelling error can present false information, which can lead to real-world consequences. But in the end, if you can’t be bothered to read through your own article, how can you expect anyone else to read it?

Write what you know about, and write it with care. Otherwise, you’re just taking up space and wasting people’s time.

By: Willy Gee Sat, 25 Jul 2015 05:24:43 +0000 Lucas Frost tries to cover way too much while at the same time says he wants to concentrate on the 58-60 Burst. Either he doesn’t understand the finer points of the Les Paul (Variations-Models) or he abridged his own work and didn’t realize he describes a Les Paul Custom Neck (Ebony-Block Markers) as something that’s common on a Les Paul Standard. I think he should of just focused on the Les Paul Guitar instead of trying to touch on all the models without saying which model he’s describing all the while saying it’s the Burst I want to talk about
