Comments on: The Tritone: Everything You Need to Know Learn Guitar Chords with our iPhone App Wed, 24 May 2023 11:39:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roberto Baier Wed, 24 May 2023 11:39:08 +0000 buenos dias, idealistic blog on suety loss. such a thing helped.

By: Music History: The Baroque Era - a pianist's musings Thu, 28 Apr 2022 21:54:22 +0000 […] (like what we use today). Certain harmonic intervals were determined to be unstable (like the tritone) and used to create dissonance and tension, and other intervals were used to signify release and […]

By: Isobel Thu, 30 Mar 2017 20:31:06 +0000 In reply to James E Taylor.

Hello James, I’m studying jazz at age 79, and totally agree with you that so much was missed out in my formal training whereby I obtained ATCL. I found your site looking up the ‘Tritone’ and find it fascinating. How to apply it is next.

By: Bernd Willimek Wed, 15 Jun 2016 13:09:58 +0000 The Theory of Musical Equilibration states that in contrast to previous hypotheses, music does not directly describe emotions: instead, it evokes processes of will which the listener identifies with. A major chord is something we generally identify with the message, “I want to!”. The experience of listening to a minor chord can be compared to the message conveyed when someone says, “No more.” If someone were to say the words “no more” slowly and quietly, they would create the impression of being sad, whereas if they were to scream it quickly and loudly, they would be come across as furious. This distinction also applies for the emotional character of a minor chord: if a minor harmony is repeated faster and at greater volume, its sad nature appears to have suddenly turned into fury.

The Theory of Musical Equilibration applies this principle as it constructs a system which outlines and explains the emotional nature of musical harmonies, for example why a diminished chord is well-suited as the score for film scenes involving fear, or how an augmented chord can convey amazement and astonishment. You can get more information on the link Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy or on the link Music and Emotions .

Bernd Willimek, musictheorist

By: schm0 Fri, 25 Dec 2015 02:37:05 +0000 Jonas should know that the most angry Black Panther-driven Hiphop isn’t music.

By: James E Taylor Sat, 16 May 2015 19:24:42 +0000 The longer I involve myself with music on the guitar, the greater, the knowledge I must learn. To know that there is a simplified system of music for each instrument, for each style, for each player.

These are the elements of music that I always felt was important to consider by teachers. The formal education in music was not difficult to learn. It was the harshness of the teachers in the rudiments of the forum of music that was somehow cruel and not enriching at all. That I have studied music for the last 4 decades has meant that I had to relearn and relearn the elements of basics. This was a terrible waste to have rendered upon an earnest heart. I understand that music is not so easy as to be for the majority of those who tend public school, but it is for those whom, by the very nature of their desire want to play.

I am in anticipation that this site may offer me yet a better and more opportunistic site to continue my development though I am much older and not in it except to play and what ever reward that may be gotten from my hearts desire to play
