Comments on: Der C-Dur auf der Gitarre (einfach): Geschichte, Bedeutung, Akkordformen, Dur-Tonleiter, Songs in der Tonart C-Dur Learn Guitar Chords with our iPhone App Mon, 30 Aug 2021 10:11:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Music School El Dorado Hills - Mr. D's Music School Wed, 08 Apr 2020 07:42:11 +0000 That’s really nice post. I appreciate, Thanks for sharing.

By: Simon Barkow Wed, 19 Feb 2020 10:35:03 +0000 In reply to Bruno VeganAtheist VenusProject.

Hi Bruno, thanks for pointing out this mistake. I corrected it in the blog post.

By: Bruno VeganAtheist VenusProject Fri, 10 Jan 2020 04:22:10 +0000 Please, you did a mistake. And the truth is:
– The piano middle C on the guitar can be played on the THIRD STRING, FIFTH FRET.
(And not in fifth string, third fret, as you wrote).
You make a mistake because you change the fret/string numbers… and this is the first article linked in the question/answer form (of google first results) when someone search for “notes piano guitar” in google.
Please, change that. Thanks.
