Comments on: Schräge, aber schöne alternative Gitarrenakkorde, die selbst Anfänger spielen können Learn Guitar Chords with our iPhone App Thu, 03 Dec 2020 12:05:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christopher Nowak Fri, 31 Jan 2020 14:36:32 +0000 I am wondering if anyone has heard of DON CARLO GESUALDO?
He was a composer from the Renaissance period who wrote pieces that are very chromatic..
Try improvising over these chords: E MAJOR 7, C MINOR 7, G MAJOR 7, E FLAT MINOR 7 etc…
I wrote a song using Gesualdos’ ideas (JUNE IN STRANGEVILLE).

By: Ridgestone John Wed, 14 Aug 2019 17:48:35 +0000 If not already covered, some other suggested unusual chords
E minor 9th Chord: Low E string open A string 2nd fret D string 4th Fret G open B open Top E open
A minor 9th Chord: E string 5th Fret, A string open, D string 7th Fret, G string 4th Fret B open E open
D minor 9th: E&A strings unused. D string open, G string 7 fret, B string 6th Fret, E string open
Tighter sounding A 7th Chord for Blues: A open, D 7th Fret, G 9th Fret, B 8th Fret, E open
Chunky sounding D7th Chord for Ballads: A string 5th Fret, D string 4th Fret, G string 5th Fret, B string 3rd Fret, E string open,
A 9th Chord: E string 5th Fret, A string open, D string 7th Fret, G string 6th Fret, B string open, E string open.
G7th Flamenco Chord: E string 3rd Fret, A string 2nd Fret, D string 3rd Fret, G.B. E all open
B Hendrix Type Chord: E string 7th fret, A string 6th Fret, D string 7th fret, G string 7th fret B. E open
E Hendrix Type Chord: E string open, A string 11th fret, D string 12th fret, G string 12th fret B. E open
Tighter sounding A Minor Chord: A string open, D string 10th fret, G string 9th fret, B string 10th fret E string open

By: LoveYak Tue, 04 Jun 2019 20:49:23 +0000 Scriabin’s mystic chord works great as a secondary dominant.
