Comments on: Different Guitar Picks Different Sounds – Pick What You Like Learn Guitar Chords with our iPhone App Thu, 03 Feb 2022 22:38:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: JessConstible Sat, 01 Feb 2020 08:13:38 +0000 Hi. This is the second thing on guitar picks that I read today. and thank goodness it’s someone knows what they’re talking about. the other one was full of mistakes and misleading information. When someone is a beginner, things are very touchy and important. Misinformation could be damaging for a new player.

So thank you for having your information correct. There’s one thing you didn’t really mention if you don’t mind me saying.

The thinner a pick, the faster you can strum. But the sinner you go your pic will also hit the strings with less attack. So although you might be able to blast off some blisteringly fast rhythm, your sound will be weak and not satisfying. If you have a super thick pick, strumming really fast would be difficult, and at the same time, it would be a solid sound with lots of attack.

I prefer a medium pick which not only has a good strong and solid sound, but it will be fast enough to be able to express myself.

The Best of both worlds so to speak.

And one of the most important things I ever learned about pics is how hard you hold it… “You gotta be loose” one of my associates would say. I actually took me years to really know what he was talking about…

By holding the pick with relaxed fingers is so beneficial. Holding it loose. Just enough so you know you’re not going to drop it. This way, not only will your guitar stay in tune better for longer, but you will find that it is more expressionate. Keep it loose!

Anyway, individual who wrote this, I praise you for your sharing of good information. It is so important to be truthful in this world, and unfortunately, some people just don’t get it. It’s really their loss….. Blessing and peace!

By: Justin Levitt Fri, 27 Oct 2017 17:58:06 +0000 Thanks for this great piece!

I am a guitar teacher and I usually refer my beginner students to this webpage as I find it really useful to teach them how to choose the right pick for them and what they will sound like.

Thanks so much

